
Fantastic Pacu fishing can be had in Guyana for Red, Black and Silver Pacu and in Brazil, Colombia and Bolivia for many other species of Pacu. In Guyana in late March – April, anglers can often see 2-3 fish chasing fruit as it drifts downriver.
Pacu are a fascinating group of freshwater fish native to most of all South America. They are known for their distinctive teeth, which are very similar to human teeth. Pacu are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including weeds and flowers, fruits, nuts, seeds, and other fish.
Pacu: A Challenge for Every Angler
Pacu are prized catches throughout South America, offering exciting challenges for anglers of all skill levels. These omnivores readily go after a variety of baits, making them a fun target. From plastic beads and flies to inline spinners, spoons, and even bits of fish or potato, you can experiment and see what tempts them on a given day. Their powerful fights will test your skills and equipment, making for an unforgettable fishing experience.
All Pacu have sweet tasting meat and are much sought after in the Amazon. The larger species have wonderful spare ribs that taste like pork when cooked on the BBQ!